We're all trying to learn this Periscope thing, bro.
Then Katch.me ended and periscopers as we know it are all scrambling to figure out a way to save our hard-worked videos that are disappearing like Snapchat. Amazingly enough, today Periscope was saved to my phone under videos and I could actually watch the video (unlike other times), which was then able for me to save to my Google Drive. I then uploaded this bad boy to my YouTube account. The verdict is still out if you can upload to Twitter in the same fashion. Anywho, try it as one of these might be your solution to saving your scopes. Typically Scopes are too long to email to yourself from your Smartphone.
Apparently because YouTube picked up parts of my songs as the background for this Scope, which I showed you in this YouTube.... the above video is blocked in 243 countries.
So click here if you'd like to see this YouTube / Scope of mine.
It's not like I'm not promoting Meghan Trainor's "No" video in my previous blog post so that she gets paid per click. Just sayin'. Erstwhile trying to keep it classy.
Enjoy. The debacle katch left us Scopers having
to deal with in using our own videos for future use.
Periscope, get on it!
I hear background music in all kinds of Scopes I watch.
Which if you're picking up what I'm throwing down,
we can't post our Scopes to YouTube.
to deal with in using our own videos for future use.
Periscope, get on it!
I hear background music in all kinds of Scopes I watch.
Which if you're picking up what I'm throwing down,
we can't post our Scopes to YouTube.
#beautyscopes #beautyscopers
Oh ma goodness. So you can still watch this YouTube video through Internet Explorer but apparently not Google Chrome browser. The epic saga which disturbs all still rages on...
UPDATE, y'all!
Giphy |
Huge news. Periscope now can permanently save your videos for replay! But you have to go into settings and make sure it's marked that way. Hallelujah. However, if you're a blogger, you are still not able to embed people's scopes into your posts. This has been your J official social media update. You're welcome!