Sunday, January 19, 2025

Happy New Year: I Publish My Blog Stats Part Four


There is some disturbing stuff going on in this day and age. It's hard to even focus. That's okay. Actually, it's not okay but I digress.


As a writer, are you seeing as many misspells on NewsBreak and SmartNews apps as I am?! This is wild. Where have people's jobs gone? I would love to know how many articles are written by AI now as well. Sorry, guys... but this isn't the next Terminator or Matrix installment I signed up for. 

@millennialporexcelencia Wise words from @iliza #millennial #millennialporexcelencia #quintessentialmillennial #millennialsoftiktok #millennialsentiktok #millennialsdetiktok #fyp #GenZ #allies #ilizashlesinger #standup #comedy ♬ original sound - Ruben Leyva

Real history is being made as we speak. 

Humanity has taken a turn for the better. I don't care if you enjoy living in a bubble. I'm just here to let you know that while things are actually getting better, things might get a little Kendrick Lamar vibe of crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious. He here is obviously saying hilarious in "TV Off" because God ultimately wins. I've got a good intuition that he is fighting for his family and their values just like we are.

The greatest lesson...
I've learned in life is to find the beauty and optimism in everything. This obviously requires us to think higher than just about ourselves. We all have a higher purpose.

oddly got cut off an hour or two before midnight EST last night. That was interesting. Well, I worked hard on that account for the past few years so that I had the ability to go live, earn my storefront and open up a TikTokShop. So let me make this extremely clear: Vine- lost. Now TikTok- lost. I have many more examples of evidence. I'm just too exhausted at this point to readdress it all. You wanna know how blogs, social medias and writers can get screwed? I'd be happy to give you my input for free. This is how we help eachother. 

Breaking News:
Trump just got TikTok back. I didn't realize this before the pre-Inauguration rally, but look who's video is playing on this post. Iliza! MUSTARRRDDDD!

If this is your first time reading my SOTU blog stats addresses, let me point you in the direction of the previous three which reside not too far below this blog post. The journey starts with the first post. Then obviously #2. Then #3. Now this is #4.

At this point, I abhor posting about myself. Ah, but this being my State of the Union blog address, I find myself in the delightful position where I must, with great pomp and circumstance, include myself in the narrative. (holds back vomit or a really big burp from the generalized unsavoriness from this topic)

We have way bigger issues to deal with right now. 
Grifters and mainstream media exist. Once you understand it all, the situation becomes crystal clear. Then start educating yourself on how and why you're always reading the same articles with similar vibes. Understand that the rich can pay to push an article or post out to the masses, whether it be on news sites, any site for that matter and then finally on social media. The time to understand these concepts take time. That's fine. Take your time. 

One note that I'd like to point out, the above stats you're looking at are quite a few years old. (Probably 7?) Note to self to update them. It takes a lot of time and work on my end to compile them all. On a plus note, I found out today my main blog has finally reached 601k readers since its inception in 2012. Also, never ever allow someone to convince you to delete a social media account related to your business. That's another great piece of advice.

Hope you have a spectacular next week 
and I look forward to writing more. There are going to be some super cool articles that come out soon. 
Wishing you and your family an amazing 2025.

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