Friday, April 6, 2012

Bon Qui Qui, the Biebs & Snakes on a Plane

Welcome to  a posting I like to call "This Week in Review".

It's truly amazing what you learn from children. With the kids wrapping up their first week back at school from Spring Break, let me show you what my little sister (She's in high school...) introduced me to last week while she was enjoying her last few days of freedom:
Bon Qui Qui on YouTube. My faves are her at King Burger and (Anjelah Johnson) at the Nail Salon. You must click below.

Also, Justin Bieber won favorite male singer on the 2012 Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards, just in case you haven't heard. I just love him and his new song "Boyfriend" is getting rave reviews. On it says he's now teaming up with Usher and the new boy band One Direction for his album "Believe". I don't know about you, but "Boyfriend" is snazzy. It makes me want to bust a move, but most importantly it reminds me that every woman deserves respect, admiration and a hot guy to sing to them. This song brings me back to the courting days when having and obtaining a boyfriend was a game, a challenge, and butterflies swirl around your stomach to think about the possibility of a new love.

Awwww, he is a good boyfriend.

There they are above on a recent lunch date to the park with Subway in tow. Now I just wish he could wait 18 years and then date my daughter. Is that horrible to say?!

Anyway, word also broke this week about there being an actual snake on a plane, people. Could you imagine if you were that pilot? I'd be running on auto pilot straight for the lavatory to clean my pants. I, for one, am NOT going anywhere near Australia anytime soon.
Watch this "Bunnies- Snakes on a plane" edition just in time for Easter...Hillarious.

Finally, a pic for my peeps:
A dress I saw online made of peeps. Wow.
I thought I had time on MY hands. I wonder what happens to your skin if you sweat? Hey, at least you're lickable.

Things could be worse. Like having snakes on your plane or dealing with Bon Qui Qui at the drive thru window.

Happy Good Friday.


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