Friday, January 11, 2013

2013- The Year of Sweet Somethings

Happy New Year, friends! 

I hope that you had a very blessed holiday season and that your kids didn't put up too much of a fight to go back to the daily grind of school. Man O Man. Adults everywhere wish they could have just a couple weeks off! Oh, to be a kid again, especially in this day and age. The succubus literally took the money out of my pocket and rightfully distributed into the hands of Nintendo shareholders.

Any who... I'm happy to be back writing, even though we haven't totally updated my status of transient computer borrower. One day I plan to re-enact the Office Space movie printer scene. Man, it would feel good to be a gangster. Watch this closely around the 4:00 mark and I make a cameo I swear. Or at least in my dreams I did. So, what's the point to this? The point is that today I will stalk my post office lady because she's carrying with her Smeagol's ring... or my disk I had to order from Dell, that is. Hey! Whatever happened to that Dell commercial guy? Last I knew or remember of him is that he really liked the time 4:20. Heh. Heh. I'm here all night. Adamantly trying to fix my computer, that is!

If you don't love the above Calvin Harris Sweet Nothing remix I've been jamming out to lately, try out this Sweet Nothing Cover by SUNN. She is waaayyyy talented in my opinion. Why has she not become a superstar yet? Or has she been signed and I didn't receive the memo? If you've got answers, comment! Inquiring minds want to know.

Let's turn 2013 into a sweet something. 

I am so sick of sweet nothings. Always remember nothing will turn into something if you don't will it to. Sometimes it's hard to ignore the sweet nothings. This group includes the bullies, haters, bad boyfriends and general nay-sayers who simply choose to disregard your awesomeness. Ignore them as they should have no relevance in your world of you. What do you think about yourself? This is truly what's important and remains the driving force behind all your accomplishments. 

If you can't seem to compliment yourself, leave some encouraging words or pictures on your bathroom mirror to remind you. Visualizing yourself as how you'd want to be in the future is ideal. No one cares about the past but yourself. Plus, it's your past and doesn't define who you are today or what you are to become tomorrow. Visualization leads to thoughts, which lead to inspired thoughts. Inspired thoughts lead you into action. 

So, dream. Believe. Then, achieve. Happy New Year! Let's make 2013 fabulous and EXACTLY how we want it.

#youcandoit    #youcandoitallnightlong

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