Monday, January 20, 2014

Maleficent Trailer Love

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Please stop giving us new peeks into the upcoming Disney movie Maleficent!

"Dream" Trailer - Maleficent on Disney Video

As I've said before, I can't wait to see it! I'm dying inside until then. Thanks for again pointing out that it's not coming out until May 30th. Aargh.

I also can't wait for the YouTube beauty vlogger swarm of Maleficent tutorials that will be made from the looks in this movie. Maleficent is sure to be a makeup artist dream movie to watch if you need inspiration!

"I am not afraid" Scene
Angelina Jolie in Maleficent
Disney Movies

First, there's all these highlighted, contoured and angular looks to feast your eyes upon. Next, look at how deep and bright that red lip is on Maleficent. Finally, look how magical and jewel tone the setting of the movie is! I believe my bling and glitter radar is honing in on this movie's visual deliciousness.

Never have I ever wanted to be more evil, Mr. Bigglesworth. Maybe I should do a cool red lip today as well as channel my inner skeleton self with highlighting and contouring techniques. Only then will I be able to find the Hulk so I can steal his green eyeballs. Bwa! Ha! Haaa! (evil witchy laugh, then raises pinky finger to lip like Dr. Evil...)

Enjoy your day, friends.

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